Thursday, June 12, 2008

Put 'JC' Player on your Web page.

Live video is gaining traction on social-networking arena and sites like YouTube, Stickam have developed extreamly simple ways for anyone to share media.

The JuiceCaster application once downloaded to your mobile phone, lets you send videos and photos to a "JuiceCaster Player" area on your pages at Facebook, Blogger or virtually any other sites. Not only thru the application, you can also add pictures and videos via email and MMS.

JuiceCaster gives you a simple HTML code that you can cut and paste into your page, and that give you a JuiceCaster Player on your page. Then when you take a picture or a video on your phone, it will automatically post to all the places you created a JuiceCaster Player.

Did I say "ANYONE" can share their media content? Not with JuiceCaster, its only available to Europe and the U.S. Thats very disapointing.
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